International Institue for Humanistic Studies Scholarships
Jim Bugental Scholarship Fund for students, interns, thereapists, in financial need and demonstrate a passion for learning and using Existential-Humanistic psychotherapy. This fund is for the various trainings offered through I.I.H.S. including the two year training program, Unearthing the Moment.

Jim Pinnell Scholarship Fund supports Arizona students and clinicians with financial need entering or continuing the training, Unearthing the Moment, basic two year training and advance training programs. The Fund has been established by Cornelia Pinnell, Ph.D., Jim's wife and advisory board member of I.I.H.S. and Myrtle Heery, Ph.D., director of I.I.H.S., in memory of Jim Pinnell, Ph.D., who was part of the foundation and advisory board member of I.I.H.S. A professor and clinician of existential-humanistic psychology in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Pinnell was known for his work with challenged teenagers and his continued open heart to all of his students.

Ann Seyle Scholarship for students of spirituality, religion, and psychology. Ann Seyle Scholarship will be awarded to a potential participant of the Unearthing the Moment two year training who has shown deep interest in spirituality and in psychology. Potential recipients must show financial need in writing as well as written intention to use the work learned during the Unearthing the Moment courses. Especially weighed will be potential recipients' intentions to give back to their culture in areas of spirituality and psychology in tangible and effective ways.

Peter Quinn Scholarship will be awarded to a potential participant of the Unearthing the Moment two year training who has shown deep interest in working with individual and families with chemical dependency. Potential recipients must show financial need in writing as well as written intention to use the work learned during the Unearthing the Moment courses with chemical dependency. Especially weighed will be potential recipients' intentions to give back to their community in areas of chemical dependency in tangible and effective ways.
Peter Quinn Scholarship Fund supports students and clinicians with financial need entering or continuing the training, Unearthing the Moment, basic two year training and advance training programs. The Fund has been established by Myrtle Heery, Ph.D., director of I.I.H.S., in memory of Peter Quinn, M.D., who was actively involved for over 24 years in alcohol and drug recovery in Memphis, Tenn. Dr. Quinn was known for his wholehearted commitment to sobriety, dedication to people struggling with addiction, and the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of recovery. His life was deeply changed by his own recovery from alcohol addiction and as a result touched many lives in the recovery community. His daughter, Aggie, Quinn, Ph.D., is an advance standing student in Unearthing the Moment trainings through I.I.H.S.

I.I.H.S. supports minority students and interns as much as possible in attending all our trainings. Now is the time to support your own interest in the International Institute for Humanistic Studies. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. I.I.H.S. is a 501c(3) tax-exempt public charitable organization, I.D. #77-0591145.
To donate, please open our contribution form by clicking on the Contribution Form link below, and print and mail the completed form with a check to the address on the form.
Contribution Form
For more information, contact